This year 2007 will be the third year Bpharmers have been together. So, there left one year before we change path and move on.
The "White Coat Ceremony" was as though it happened few months ago. Remember the orientation planned for juniors, the T-shirt designing, banners, etc.? It was two years ago (1/5 of a decade).
Then we had hospitals visits during our first year which I didn't understand what the purpose was but to answer the questions in log-book.
Followed by Industrial Visits.. totally got bored with the machines and the gowning procedures. Later on was two weeks attachment at pharmaceutical companies..didn't it just got more interesting?
"Watson de-stress Workshop" at Armada Hotel was interesting though.
Semester 4, we started Malaysian Studies. We got a very enthusiastic lecturer, Mrs.Phoong, who told us stories about Malaysia politics, economy, history and current affairs. What mattered was
how she presented the stories to us and not
what she had presented. It was then I realised history and politics can be interesting.
Also not forgetting
"CULTURAL NITE" which wrapped up our Semester 4 all together. N my junk-band too!
Remember we also had a visitor from Japan?
Keiko-kun, Dr.Hiro's student.
"IMU OPEN DAY" where each of us were paid for helping!
Semester 6 we organized the
"BLIND DATE SHOW", where we manage to squeeze some money from IMU's "rich and famous". The game was based on voting system where the top three male contestants of highest votes wins a date with the girl candidate also of the highest vote. After the three dates the girl will then decide who will she bring along to the IMU BALL. All votes are price-tagged of course! Votes are in the form of chocolates. More expensive chocolates get more votes. 50% of the profit goes to charity and the rest is for B104 convocation magazine.
Time flies isn't it?